Our partner

The company develops, promotes and distributes Food for Special Medical Purposes (AFMS*) through pharmaceutical wholesalers, pharmacies, specialised shops, hospitals and homes for the elderly. We are committed to our corporate values in our work:
High compliance, reliability and palatability. Our service management is based on the fundamental principles of Quality. Our goal is to serve Excellence.
We believe that innovation is the best investment to face the challenges of the future with determination and enthusiasm, in a dynamic and constantly evolving market.
We encourage continuous learning of our People. We invest in creating a highly qualified workforce: knowledgeable and competent professionals who generate value. We pursue constant improvement as an essential element for the success and vitality of our group.
We are focused on the needs and expectations of our customers, aware that we can significantly improve the quality of life of those who need our products.
Foods for Special Medical Purposes (AFMS) are a specific type of food supplied to patients with particular metabolic disorders closely related to pathological conditions. Discover our insights.
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